NOTE: CLICK ON UNDERLINED WORDS OF THIS COLOR OR THIS COLOR TO FOLLOW THE LINK. is organized on different TABLE OF CONTENTS for different users. The HOME page has a carousel at the top center just below the “Home Blog Contact Us” menu. If you click on the partially shown portions to the right or left of the “Welcome to New Book, Inc.” box the carousel will rotate to the box you clicked on. That box contains information about a subject/division information on this site. These are the major subjects/divisions of this web site. The “Welcome” site brings you to this page or the Concepts and Proofs Table of Contents. Clicking on the box to the left, Letters To My Children, provides the link to the “First Page” of the book. Clicking on the box to the right, Diet and Health, provides the links to the “First Page” and “Table of Contents” of the “Diet and Health” subject. The “BSA” and “Telos” boxes provide links to specific resources.
The three boxes below the carousel are for quick access to the two main subjects of this website and an email link to share your ideas.
The following is a more detailed explanation of the Website’s subject organization:
1. If you have a specific question, concept or fact you want more information about, use the “Concepts and Proofs” Table of Contents. It provides links to concepts, proofs, questions, answers and discussions. The Concepts and Proofs section is organized in chronological order from basic concepts of the beginning of the Universe to what will happen in the future. Within each period the concepts/questions will be stated with links to the answers/proofs/logic. Each link-level will proceed to more detail. Many of the links will cross-reference other concepts naturally. You will notice most of the pages in LETTERS TO MY CHILDREN will be referenced there. The REFERENCES, and PEOPLE and LISTS, CHARTS, TABLES shown in the Letters To My Children Table of Contents may provide additional information on any subject.
2. For the first time user studying Religion, Metaphysics or General Philosophy the book LETTERS TO MY CHILDREN has a Table of Contents with the pages in sequential order and cross-referenced by subject.
3. My notes on Diet and Health have a Table of Contents. There is much information there for staying healthy.
4. Notes and resources for Boy Scouts of America Troop 179 have the table of contents on the carousel of the HOME page.
5. Notes and resources for Telos material have the table of contents on the carousel of the HOME page
6. For overall narrative of this site’s philosophy there are two summaries: MY SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS and RELIGION SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. They do not provide proof of anything but are a chronological narrative to help place the concepts supported in context.